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Our Services

We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs

Ultrasonic Testing

Ultrasonic methods of NDT use beams of mechanical waves (vibrations) of short wavelength and high frequency, transmitted from a small probe in contact with the specimen surface and detected by the same or other probes.

Magnetic Particle Inspection

Magnetic particle Inspection (MPI) is a nondestructive testing (NDT) process for detecting surface and slightly subsurface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials such asiron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys.

Dye Penetrant Inspection

Dye penetrant inspection (DPI), also called liquid penetrant inspection (LPI) or penetrant testing (PT), is a widely applied and low-cost inspection method used to locate surface-breaking defects in all non-porous materials (metals, plastics, or ceramics).

Eddy Current Inspection

Eddy current testing is a noncontact method for the inspection of non-ferromagnetic tubing. This technique is suitable for the detection and sizing of metal discontinuities such as corrosion, erosion, wear, baffle cuts, wall losses, and cracks in nonferrous materials.

Positive Material Identification Test

Eddy current testing is a noncontact method for the inspection of non-ferromagnetic tubing. This technique is suitable for the detection and sizing of metal discontinuities such as corrosion, erosion, wear, baffle cuts, wall losses, and cracks in nonferrous materials.

Hardness Testing

Portable Hardness Testing (HT) is a non-destructive testing method utilized to obtain the hardness value of a material.

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing

PAUT enables reduced inspection time by simultaneously collecting multiple angle ultrasonic data in a one pass scan from either side of the weld. Typical inspection rates are between 15-20 butts per shift.

Drop Cell

The measurements of drop cell potential for the platform structure are necessary to determine that protection has been established according to applicable criteria and that each part of the cathodic protection system is operating properly and will provide information on the corrosion risks.

Direct Current Voltage Gradient

DCVG (direct current voltage gradient) is a survey technique used for assessing the effectiveness of corrosion protection on buried steel structures.

Close Interval Potential Survey

A close interval survey (CIS) is a measurement tool used to ensure pipeline cathodic protection systems are operating to NACE SP0169 specified standards. Close interval surveys may also be referred to as close interval potential surveys (CIPS).

Tank Inspection

Storage Tank Inspections help gather essential data about safety and reliability of the tanks. It facilitates in increasing the life span of the tanks by identifying potential risks such as damage, corrosion and cracks.

Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspection

Pressure vessel inspections can refer to an inspection of the vessel's condition externally, internally, or both. In these inspections, inspectors may: Collect visual data regarding the condition of the vessel, including the condition of insulation, welds, joints, or structural connections.

PSV & PRV Certification

A pressure safety valve (PSV) protects pressure vessels and piping systems from excessive internal pressure.

Tube Cleaning Services

Tube cleaning describes the activity of, or device for, the cleaning and maintenance of fouled tubes. The need for cleaning arises because the medium that is transported through the tubes may cause deposits and finally even obstructions.

Crane & Lifting Equipment Inspection

The equipment used for lifting of Loads – the most widely used lifting equipment used of industrial purpose are – Jacks, Chain -Pulley, Wire Ropes, Block & Tackle, Forklift, Loler, crane, Hydraulic Lifting Pad etc.

Pipeline Inspection

Pipeline inspection is a part of the pipeline integrity management for keeping the pipeline in good condition. The rules governing inspection are the pipeline safety regulations. In most cases the pipeline is inspected regularly.

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